EJ Jurich

EJ Jurich

This is the home page for EJ Jurich,
author of Vacuum Tube Amplifier Basics.

The book Vacuum Tube Amplifier Basics has been pulled from publishing on Amazon because of issues with the 'print-on-demand' method of printing. Text and images have a faded look that causes eye strain after long periods of reading. The account with Amazon will be closed after the last two months of Amazon royalties are forwarded.

There is an updated version of Vacuum Tube Amplifier Basics to be released later this year. Although much of the information in the new book is pulled from the original book, the new book is being laid out in a more logical order. It will also include a more detailed example of amplifier design and construction. The updated version in PDF e-Book format should be available by the end of summer 2024. The book will no longer be available on Amazon. Alternate selling outlets will be used. There are no plans for a print version at this time.

DIY Vacuum Tube Amplifiers
(A work in progress)

© EJ Jurich 2014 - 2024
PO Box 3416
Des Moines, IA 50316

EJ Jurich has no association in any capacity with sites that may be using my name initials in an effort to fool you into believing I am associated with that site. Be wary of any site that uses the initials ejj in a manor that implies it is related to EJ Jurich. EJ Jurich has no association with sites offering free downloads of my book. Beware of sites that offer free downloads. Free downloads or torrent sites are notorious for passing malware on to you. Be very careful.